Wandering around the city of Podgorica, there are many things to take in. Here are some more of the sites of the capitol of Montenegro which we captured on our anniversary. First a brief history lesson. During World War II, Podgorica was apparently bombed by both sides of the conflict, effectively demolishing it. When Tito rose to power in Yugoslavia, he designed and rebult the city, naming it after himself. There are still remnants of the name Titograd to be found, especially on man-hole covers. We also went with our language tutor to a cafe named Titograd (It's near "Cheers").
Prior to WWI, Montenegro was a monarchy. King Nikola I and his family were forced to flee the country in 1915. After the war was over, Montenegro was annexed into the kingdom of Serbia. Since that time, the erstwhile ruling family of Montenegro has been living in France, although the current head of that family, Prince Nicholas (or potentially King Nicola II) visits anually, and says that if his people want, he will become their king (doesn't seem likely though). Near the "Scales" there is a large statue of King Nikola I on horse back. This is a handy landmark for remembering which street a certain restaurant we like is on.
The church of Saint George (no doubt named for the famed slayer of a dragon) is very old, and doesn't seem to have capacity for a large gathering, but seems to still have services, judging by the fact that it was wired for sound. This seemed incongruious with the fading but still extravagant decor of velvet curtains and altar cloths and gold bedecked icons of the saints. We were pretty sure that photography was prohibited inside so we only snapped shots of the exterior.
Near the indoor piazza there is a wall made of corrigated siding that was the original greyish color when we first arrived, then was painted white, and a few days later had quite a colorful mural of fruit and veggies on it. We are still not sure if it was the work of an artist commissioned by the city (or someone else) to paint it, of vandals, or of the children from the school across the street. This is only one portion of a fairly long wall.