Europe switched to Daylight Saving Time yesterday, and so, we "lost" an hour. And we ended up losing even more sleep, because we watched the Montengro/Italy game with some friends. Sadly we weren't able to get tickets to the game, because only 1000 were made available for sale, even though the stadium holds 12,000 (we were told that the government gave the rest of the tickets to friends and supporters-the day after the game was election day). These 1000 tickets were snapped up right away, especially because Italy is the current World Cup champion. Even though Montenegro lost 2-0, we were impressed by the ability of one (very young) player, Stevan Jovetić (picture taken from the internet). He is only 19 now, and has been the team captain since he was 17. You can read more about him at this link.
When he's not representing his country's team, he plays for Fiorentina, Italy (he was transferred from a team in Belgrade for 8 million Euro).
What makes him especially interesting to us is that Steve has actually seen him in a restaurant here in Podgorica.
By the way, as we walked to our friend's house, we saw so many people wearing Montenegro scarves, flags and team aparrel, and lighting sparklers and singing and carrying banners, that it almost seemed like a parade. We even saw the police escort for the team bus. Our friend who was hosting actually lives within view of the stadium, it was the first time I've watched something on TV which I could (almost) watch from the window.