Sunday, July 19, 2009

Conquering Lovćen

Back in January, we tried to reach the top of Mount Lovćen, were Petar II Petrović Njegoš, the most famous Montenegrin is buried. At the time, snow kept us from our goal. This time, we were able to get there. So after taking a taxi as far as we could, we climbed 300+ steep steps, with two pauses (there were outlooks with nice ledges to sit on, and Laura really needed to stop and sit).

Upon reaching the top, there is a small room with a large statue of Njegoš, as they call him, with an eagle behind him, and gold ceiling tiles. Below is the room where he is buried, then there is a place you can view most of Montenegro from (it's safe to say that Steve enjoyed that part much more than Laura).

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